Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work and School

This week is a whirlwind of work and school preparations. Work has been a bit tedious this week with yearly reports to run and todays work with "Menu Security." Menu security, for those who don't know, is a the set of rules that says who can and cannot get into or even see certain parts of the menu in the programs we administer on my team. And with this set of programs, this is a very confusing and sometimes seemingly contraditory set of rules. Needless to say, today was less than exciting.

Classes for the spring semester start back up on the 12th. After a disasterous and somewhat depressing fall semester, I am looking for more core IS classes to take rather than the support (English, math, etc.) classes. Mostly this is because they are more interesting and they tend to "easier" than many of the others. Kelly of course laughs when I say things like that because her "computer knowledge" is limited to checking her email (which she doesn't do very often), surfing the web, and internet shopping. This last is her favorite, go figure.

At anyrate, everyone at this end of the world is good and we hope that we will get visits or calls from all ya'll out there that we love. Talk at ya'll again soon. - Buzzy


  1. i go back to school january 12th too! my fall semester was disastrous and somewhat depressing too!
    mom and i were thinking of coming down to see everyone in march tentatively. like a long weekend, because i'll still be in school. what do you think?

  2. Sounds like a great idea. Yeah, the fall semester sucked. I can only hope that this was is MUCH better...
